- 「英会話教材は早めにやめ」
- 「実践的なスピードを多く体験」
1. 【挨拶】First Greet
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★★(MAX速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★★☆(上級) |
Staff | 00:28 | Can I ___ ___ ___ with somthing to drink? |
Staff | 00:32 | fresh-___ lime |
Staff | 00:40 | __ __ __ you about our __ __ the day |
Staff | 00:44 | pinto beans |
Staff | 00:48 | __ with brown __ |
Staff | 00:52 | __ __ white saurce |
Staff | 00:54 | __ with __ mushrooms |
Staff | 01:00 | I'll __ __ __ __ to __ that __ and I'll get your drinks for you |
Staff | 00:28 | ドリンクを伺いましょうか? | Can I start you off with somthing to drink? |
Staff | 00:32 | 生絞りライム | fresh-squeezed lime |
Staff | 00:40 | 本日の一品をご紹介いたします | let me tell you about our features for the day |
Staff | 00:44 | うずら豆ピントビーンズ | pinto beans |
Staff | 00:48 | (肉汁から作られた)グレイビーソースのミートローフ | meatloaf with brown gravy |
Staff | 00:52 | ホワイトソース炙り(たたき) | seard in white saurce |
Staff | 00:54 | ソテー(少量の油でさっと炒める)にしたマッシュルームをのせた | topped with sauteed mushrooms |
Staff | 01:00 | ドリンクをお持ちしますので、メニューに目をお通しください。 | I'll give you a minute to look that over and I'll get your drinks for you |
2. 【注文】Taking the Order
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★★(MAX速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★☆☆(中級) |
Staff | 00:20 | __ __ you __ the table |
Staff | 00:37 | that __ __ mayonnaise, mustard... is that __ __ |
Staff | 00:50 | would you like to __ french fries or onion rings __ __? |
Staff | 01:08 | let me just repeat this back to __ __ I`ve got it __ |
Staff | 01:17 | I'll get that order __ __ __ for you |
Staff | 00:20 | 忘れずにテーブルをきれいにする | make sure you manicure(手入れをする) the table |
Staff | 00:37 | マヨネーズやマスタードがかかってますが、大丈夫ですか? | that comes with mayonnaise, mustard... is that all right |
Staff | 00:50 | フライドポテトかオニオンリングをお付けしますか? | would you like to add french fries or onion rings onto that? |
Staff | 01:08 | ご注文を確認いたします | let me just repeat this back to make sure I`ve got it correctly |
Staff | 01:17 | すぐにお持ちいたします。 | I'll get that order right in front for you |
3. 【配膳】Food Delivery
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★★(MAX速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★☆☆(中級) |
Staff | 00:26 | let me __ these __ __ __ __. Your food will be __ __. |
Staff | 00:44 | I also __ __ __ knives for you |
Staff | 01:16 | prepared __ __ __ in the King Ranch |
Staff | 01:16 | let me know if __ __ __ I can __ for you. |
Staff | 00:26 | お食事をお持ちしますので、おさげいたします。 | let me get these out of your way. Your food will be right up. |
Staff | 00:44 | 新しいナイフもお持ちしました。 | I also brought up fresh knives for you |
Staff | 01:16 | お好みに合わせて調理されていますか? | prepared to your liking in the King Ranch |
Staff | 01:16 | 何があれば言ってください。 | let me know if there's anything else I can get for you. |
4. 【日本語あり】バイリンガール1
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★★(MAX速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★★☆(上級) |
Staff | 00:35 | Wait here till we __ __ __. |
Chika-san | 01:14 | No __ happy birthday __ __? |
Chika-san | 01:18 | They __ __ __ in a littel bit. |
Staff | 02:27 | It's __ __ __ __ garlic mashed potatoes |
Staff | 02:39 | __ __ __ is a littl roasted corn salsa with tometo |
Staff | 02:32 | that we __ __ |
Chika-san | 03:17 | E__ |
Chika-san | 03:55 | coconut-__ prawns |
Chika-san | 04:10 | the c__ fish and chips |
Staff | 04:25 | medium b__ / b__ |
Staff | 04:32 | a nice mineral __ |
Chika-san | 04:36 | Can you just order them __ __ __? |
Staff | 04:38 | You can have __ __ or __ __ __ you like. |
Chika-san | 04:41 | 3 __ __ |
Staff | 00:35 | 準備ができるまで、こちらでお待ちください | Wait here till we get that set. |
Chika-san | 01:14 | ハッピーバースデーを歌ったりはしないんですね? | No singing happy birthday or anything? |
Chika-san | 01:18 | (待ち合わせの人が)もう少しでくるはずです | They should be here in a littel bit. |
Staff | 02:27 | ガリックマッシュポテトがひいてあり | It's on a bet of garlic mashed potatoes |
Staff | 02:39 | 上にはトマトのローストコーンサルサが少し | over a top is a littl roasted corn salsa with tometo |
Staff | 02:32 | 自家製の | that we make in-house |
Chika-san | 03:17 | メインディッシュ | Entrees |
Chika-san | 03:55 | エビのココナッツ揚げ | coconut-crusted prawns |
Chika-san | 04:10 | タラのフィッシュ&チップス | the cod fish and chips |
Staff | 04:25 | 中塩辛 | medium brine / briny |
Staff | 04:32 | いい感じのミネラルの後味 | a nice mineral aftertaste |
Chika-san | 04:36 | 一個単位で注文できますか? | Can you just order them by the piece? |
Staff | 04:38 | 多くても少なくても大丈夫ですよ。 | You can have as many or as few as you like. |
Chika-san | 04:41 | 3つずつ | 3 of each |
5. 【ファミレス】チップの渡し方あり
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★☆(速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★★☆(上級) |
Staff | 00:20 | if you have any __ on the __, __ __ to let me know. |
Staff | 01:00 | We have small or large, so 12 __. or 16 __. |
Customer | 01:20 | get the brioche french toast __ __ __ __ grapefruit |
Staff | 01:20 | I'm gonna get __ __ __ |
Staff | 01:30 | And the grapefruit __ |
Staff | 03:10 | french toast __ __ sugar __ __ |
Staff | 00:18 | do you need some more __? |
Customer | 00:26 | __ __ do you have? |
Customer | 00:30 | can you __ that __ __ __? |
Staff | 01:10 | or shall I __ it __ for you? |
Staff | 00:18 | do you need some more __? |
Customer | 00:26 | __ __ do you have? |
Customer | 00:30 | can you __ that __ __ __? |
Staff | 01:10 | or shall I __ it __ for you? |
Staff | 00:20 | メニューに質問ございましたら、気楽にお知らせください。 | if you have any questions on the menu, feel free to let me know. |
Staff | 01:00 | 大か小か、12オンスか16オンスがあります | We have small or large, so 12 oz. or 16 oz. |
Customer | 01:20 | ブリオッシュフレンチトーストとサイドにグレープフルーツにする | get the brioche french toast with a side of grapefruit |
Staff | 01:20 | グレープフルーツのハーフにしよう | I'm gonna get half a grapefruit |
Staff | 01:30 | グレープフルーツのハーフ | And the grapefruit half |
Staff | 03:10 | 粉砂糖が上にかかっているフレンチトースト | french toast with powdered sugar on top |
Staff | 00:18 | あとで伺いますか? | do you need some more time? |
Customer | 00:26 | 何がありますか? | What kind do you have? |
Customer | 00:30 | (ドレッシングをかけずに)別でお願いできますか? | can you serve that on the side? |
Staff | 01:10 | お包みいたしましょうか? | or shall I wrap it up for you? |
Staff | 00:18 | あとで伺いますか? | do you need some more time? |
Customer | 00:26 | 何がありますか? | What kind do you have? |
Customer | 00:30 | (ドレッシングをかけずに)別でお願いできますか? | can you serve that on the side? |
Staff | 01:10 | お包みいたしましょうか? | or shall I wrap it up for you? |
6. 【簡単】一連の流れ英会話
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★☆(速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★☆☆☆(初級) |
Staff | 00:18 | do you need some more __? |
Customer | 00:26 | __ __ do you have? |
Customer | 00:30 | can you __ that __ __ __? |
Staff | 01:10 | or shall I __ it __ for you? |
Staff | 00:18 | あとで伺いますか? | do you need some more time? |
Customer | 00:26 | 何がありますか? | What kind do you have? |
Customer | 00:30 | (ドレッシングをかけずに)別でお願いできますか? | can you serve that on the side? |
Staff | 01:10 | お包みいたしましょうか? | or shall I wrap it up for you? |
7. 【マクドナルド】
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★☆(速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★★☆(上級) |
Customer | 01:17 | a number one __ a __ soft drink |
cashier | 01:17 | Will that __ your __? |
Customer | 01:17 | Yeah, __ __. |
Customer | 02:20 | Are you __ __ __?- I'm not __ __ __. |
Customer | 02:25 | that's the __, __? |
Staff | 04:45 | it's __ |
Customer | 01:17 | 1番でLサイズのダイエットコーラ | a number one with a large soft drink |
cashier | 01:17 | 注文は以上でしょうか? | Will that complete your order? |
Customer | 01:17 | はい、以上です。 | Yeah, that's it. |
Customer | 02:20 | 並んでいますか?-いや並んでないです。 | Are you in the line?- I'm not in the line. |
Customer | 02:25 | カフェイン抜きですよね? | that's the decaf, correct? |
Staff | 04:45 | 門が閉まっている | it's gated |
8. 【スターバックス】
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★☆(速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★☆☆(中級) |
Customer | 07:18 | it's __ some caramel __ __ |
Customer | 07:56 | I kind of __ __ __in the __ |
Customer | 07:18 | 上にキャメラがかかっています | it's got some caramel on top |
Customer | 07:56 | 映画館にいるような感じがちょっとする | I kind of feel like I'm in the cinema |
9. 【スターバックス】日本語解説あり
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★☆(速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★☆☆(中級) |
Customer | 03:30 | Would you like __? __? |
Customer | 05:18 | Can I get one __ __? |
Customer | 05:23 | Do you __ me to __ __ __ on this? |
Customer | 05:23 | __ me? |
Customer | 05:23 | You can just __ it __ Jun. __ |
Customer | 05:35 | a __ __ cofee with sugar-free hazelnut |
Customer | 05:45 | a __ of half and half with that |
Customer | 03:30 | (クリームの余地)必要ですか? | Would you like room? Room? |
Customer | 05:18 | トールサイズのパイクを1つ | Can I get one tall Pike? |
Customer | 05:23 | お名前を注文に書いてもいいですか? | Do you want me to write your name on this? |
Customer | 05:23 | 何でしょうか? | Excuse me? |
Customer | 05:23 | J-U-Nでお願いします。 | You can just put it under Jun. J-U-N |
Customer | 05:35 | グランデサイズの冷たいコーヒー | a grade iced cofee with sugar-free hazelnut |
Customer | 05:45 | (コーヒー専用ミルクの)ハーフ&ハーフを少量 | a splash of half and half with that |
10. 【高級レストラン】英会話
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★☆(速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★★☆(上級) |
Staff | 02:16 | __ in a __ __ |
Staff | 02:16 | __ sugar around the __ |
Customer | 03:10 | I'm __ the __ __ wine |
Staff | 03:30 | we'll just __ __ __ you a __ __ __ our menu |
Staff | 03:30 | __ __ __ you'll find our appetizers |
Staff | 03:30 | our signature __ is __ __ fresh Italian bread and __ __ Roma tomatoes |
Staff | 03:45 | __ __our menu you'll... |
Staff | 03:45 | __ __ dressing |
Customer | 04:15 | She is not a __ __ __ |
Staff | 04:15 | well how about the __ __ dip? |
Customer | 04:30 | the shrimp penne pasta __ __ |
Customer | 04:30 | what kind of wine would you __ __ __ ? |
Staff | 04:30 | if your're looking for somthing the __ __ can __ |
Staff | 04:45 | it's __ __ to the shrimp |
Staff | 02:16 | 冷えたグラスで | served in a chilled glass |
Staff | 02:16 | 縁の周りに氷砂糖 | crystallized sugar around the rim |
Customer | 03:10 | ワインの気分です | I'm in the mood for wine |
Staff | 03:30 | メニューを簡単にご紹介いたします | we'll just let me give you a brief tour of our menu |
Staff | 03:30 | 一番上に前菜がございます | at the top you'll find our appetizers |
Staff | 03:30 | ブルスケッタはイタリアパンで上にローマポテトをのせております。 | our signature bruschetta is made with fresh Italian bread and topped with Roma tomatoes |
Staff | 03:45 | メニューの下にいきますと | moving down our menu you'll... |
Staff | 03:45 | ケシの実ドレッシング | poppy seed dressing |
Customer | 04:15 | 彼女は羊肉がそれほど好きではない | She is not a big lamb fan |
Staff | 04:15 | ほうれん草のアーティチョークディップはいかかですか? | well how about the spinach artichoke dip? |
Customer | 04:30 | 海老のペンネがいいですね | the shrimp penne pasta sounded wonderful |
Customer | 04:30 | それにはどんなワインがあいますか? | what kind of wine would you suggest with that well |
Staff | 04:30 | みなさんで楽しめるものをお探しであれば | if your're looking for somthing the entire table can enjoy |
Staff | 04:45 | 海老にぴったりです。(補う物) | it's perfect complement to the shrimp |
11. 【ワイン】テイスティング
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★☆☆(中級) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★★☆(上級) |
server | 04:06 | She also __ each glass __ __ |
server | 04:06 | 彼女はそれぞれのグラスに半分注いだ。 | She also poured each glass half full |
12. 【日本語あり】バイリンガール2
リスニングスピード(5段階) | ★★★★★(MAX速い・ネイティブ) |
会話内容・表現(5段階) | ★★★★★(上級) |
Chika-san | 00:40 | It's __ a __ |
Chika-san | 00:41 | lots of __ __ |
Chika-san | 00:54 | Hi, ther's __ of __ for lunch. |
Staff | 00:57 | How's your day going so far? - Good. |
Chika-san | 01:23 | it's a little bit more __ |
Chika-san | 01:30 | they __ a __ |
Chika-san | 01:36 | No. we're still looking at it. |
Staff | 01:45 | We're going to be __ it for a whole month |
Staff | 01:50 | one of our co-worker __ __ __ it. |
Staff | 01:59 | it's going to be an 8 __ patty |
Staff | 01:59 | and it __ __ serrano peppers and basil pesto. |
Staff | 02:05 | on __ bread 《フランス、卵・バターなどを入れて作った甘味のロールパン》 |
Staff | 02:12 | and then it comes with a __ of __. |
Staff | 02:36 | how would you like it __? |
Chika-san | 02:43 | Okay, whatever you say. |
Staff | 02:45 | All the juices are still __ the __ |
Chika-san | 02:50 | unless you want me to __ it __ a side salad |
Chika-san | 02:50 | I'll do a salad, actually |
Chika-san | 04:59 | Everything __ __ so well |
Chika-san | 04:59 | the __ __ out |
Staff | 05:07 | How's evrything tasting over here? / Is everything over here? |
Staff | 05:34 | That's going to be a citrus vinaigrette. |
Staff | 05:34 | that we make __. |
Staff | 06:38 | It's actually only 20 __ __ of here. |
Chika-san | 06:49 | I can see __. It's so nice here. |
Chika-san | 06:55 | One is going to be a __ __. |
Chika-san | 07:02 | and it's __ __ whipped cream |
Chika-san | 07:07 | a__ that big |
Chika-san | 08:17 | they're very __ and crispy. |
Chika-san | 00:40 | 小川のそばにある | It's by a creek |
Chika-san | 00:41 | テラス席も沢山あって | lots of outdoor seating |
Chika-san | 00:54 | こんにちは、2人ランチで | Hi, ther's two of us for lunch. |
Staff | 00:57 | 今日は今のところどうですか? | How's your day going so far? - Good. |
Chika-san | 01:23 | もう少し豪華な感じです | it's a little bit more fancy |
Chika-san | 01:30 | ちゃんと役割があったのね。[目的を果たす] | they surve a purpose |
Chika-san | 01:36 | いや、まだ見てます。 | No. we're still looking at it. |
Staff | 01:45 | 1ヶ月間提供する予定です。[主演させる、呼び物にする] | We're going to be featuring it for a whole month |
Staff | 01:50 | 同僚が考えたものなんです。 | one of our co-worker came up with it. |
Staff | 01:59 | 8オンスのお肉に | it's going to be an 8 ounce patty |
Staff | 01:59 | シラノ・ペッパーとバジル・ペスト | and it comes with serrano peppers and basil pesto. |
Staff | 02:05 | バンズはブリオッシュブリオッシュ です | on brioche bread 《フランス、卵・バターなどを入れて作った甘味のロールパン》 |
Staff | 02:12 | そしてポテトフライのサイドが | and then it comes with a side of fries. |
Staff | 02:36 | どうのように調理しますしょうか? | how would you like it prepared? |
Chika-san | 02:43 | じゃ、あなたが言う通りで | Okay, whatever you say. |
Staff | 02:45 | 肉汁が残っていて | All the juices are still in the meat |
Chika-san | 02:50 | サラダとかフルーツなどの変更を望まなければ | unless you want me to substitute it for a side salad |
Chika-san | 02:50 | じゃあサラダにしてください | I'll do a salad, actually |
Chika-san | 04:59 | 全ての相性が本当によくて | Everything goes together so well |
Chika-san | 04:59 | 味のバランスが絶妙! | the flavors balance out |
Staff | 05:07 | お味はどうでしょうか? | How's evrything tasting over here? / Is everything over here? |
Staff | 05:34 | こちらは柑橘系のヴィネグレット[フランス料理最も基本的なドレッシング]です | That's going to be a citrus vinaigrette. |
Staff | 05:34 | 自家製の | that we make in-house. |
Staff | 06:38 | ここから20分ぐらい南です | It's actually only 20 minutes south of here. |
Chika-san | 06:49 | そうですよ。素敵ですもんね。 | I can see why. It's so nice here. |
Chika-san | 06:55 | 一つは季節のコブラーです | One is going to be a seasonal cobbler. |
Chika-san | 07:02 | そしてホイップクリームがのっています。 | and it's topped with whipped cream |
Chika-san | 07:07 | このぐらいの大きさの | about that big |
Chika-san | 08:17 | とっても軽くてサクサクしてます。 | they're very airy and crispy. |