道を訪ねる・案内する【英会話・上級編6選】動画でスグわかる!- 脱へなちょこ英会話




1. 【基本】Asking for Directions

リスニングスピード(5段階) ★★★☆☆(中級)
会話内容・表現(5段階) ★★★☆☆(中級)


lost 05:26 Could you tell me how to __ __ the airport?
guide 05:26 S__. __ the dark blue __ __ Broadway.
guide 05:36 then __ __ the orange line and __ that __ City Hall
lost 06:40 Could you tell me __ __ a grocery store in the area?
guide 06:40 there's __ __ __ the corner __ __ Best Buy.


lost 05:26 空港にどうやっていけますか? Could you tell me how to get to the airport?
guide 05:26 はい。濃い青色の線でBroadwayまでいって Sure. Take the dark blue line to Broadway.
guide 05:36 オレンジ色の線にのりかえて、City Hallまで then transfer to the orange line and take that to City Hall
lost 06:40 その地域に食料雑貨店はありますか? Could you tell me if there's a grocery store in the area?
guide 06:40 角を右にまがったところに1つあります、ベストバイの向かいです。 there's one right around the corner across from Best Buy.


2. 【基本】道を尋ねるフレーズ(日本語解説)

リスニングスピード(5段階) ★★☆☆☆(初級)
会話内容・表現(5段階) ★★☆☆☆(初級)


lost 02:00 Sorry to __ you
lost 02:30 I'm a __/little __
lost 04:45 What's the street __?
guide 05:15 I can __ __ __ for you.
lost 06:15 Would you __ __ it up __ __?


lost 02:00 邪魔をしてごめんなさいね Sorry to bother you
lost 02:30 ちょっと迷っちゃって I'm a bit/little lost
lost 04:45 通りはなんて呼ばれてますか? What's the street called?
guide 05:15 調べてあげるよ I can look it up for you.
lost 06:15 調べて頂けませんか? Would you mind looking it up for me?





3. 【基本】giving directions

リスニングスピード(5段階) ★★☆☆☆(初級)
会話内容・表現(5段階) ★★☆☆☆(初級)


guide 00:50 Go __ __ until you come to the square
guide 01:40 go __ the street
guide 01:40 go __ the park
guide 01:50 and __, __ the second street __ the right


guide 00:50   Go straight on until you come to the square
guide 01:40   go across the street
guide 01:40   go through the park
guide 01:50   and after take the second street on the right


4. 【ネイティブ】map上でゲーム感覚

リスニングスピード(5段階) ★★★★★(MAX速い・ネイティブ)
会話内容・表現(5段階) ★★★★★(上級)


guide 00:35 first of all you __ __
guide 00:35 we're way __ __
guide 00:40 you're gonna __ five __ north
guide 00:40 we need to Joey's pizza __ a right
guide 00:45 you're gonna go three __ east
guide 00:50 __ a left at that hotdog cart
guide 00:50 you go three __ __ this jazz club


guide 00:35 まず(地図が)逆さまですね first of all you upside down
guide 00:35 私たちはここにいます we're way down here
guide 00:40 北に5ブロック進んで you're gonna head five blocks north
guide 00:40 Joey's pazzaまでいって、右に曲がります we need to Joey's pizza make a right
guide 00:45 東に3ブロック you're gonna go three blocks east
guide 00:50 そのhotdog cartを左に make a left at that hotdog cart
guide 00:50 jazz clubを過ぎて3ブロックいけば you go three blocks past this jazz club





5. 【渋谷駅から】乗り換えを案内(日本語解説)

リスニングスピード(5段階) ★★★☆☆(中級)
会話内容・表現(5段階) ★★★☆☆(中級)


guide 02:40 Don't __ that one.
guide 02:50 just go __ __
guide 03:00 Does it __ __ there/to Asakusa?
lost 03:05 That really __.
guide 03:30 It's __ one stop
guide 03:30 You have to __ __ a grey line, __ Hibiya line.
guide 03:40 You can __ a JR person.
guide 05:10 Change trains at Shinjuku for Keio line, __ company.
lost 05:25 Do I buy a __ __ there?


guide 02:40 それは乗っちゃダメ Don't take that one.
guide 02:50 そこを上にあがって just go up there
guide 03:00 そこに(浅草に)直行しますか? Does it go straight there/to Asakusa?
lost 03:05 助かりました That really helped.
guide 03:30 一つ目の駅です。 It's only one stop
guide 03:30 グレイの線にのりかえなければならないです 日比谷線です You have to transfer to a grey line, called Hibiya line.
guide 03:40 JRの人に聞いてください You can ask a JR person.
guide 05:10 新宿で京王線に乗り換えてください。別の会社です Change trains at Shinjuku for Keio line, another company.
lost 05:25 別のチケットをそこで買いますよね? Do I buy a different ticket there?


6. 【渋谷周辺】道案内(日本語解説)

リスニングスピード(5段階) ★★★☆☆(中級)
会話内容・表現(5段階) ★★★☆☆(中級)


guide 03:15 You'll see a __ __ that __ 109
guide 03:20 You won't __ it.


guide 03:15 109と書いてある高いビルがあります You'll see a tall building that says 109
guide 03:20 絶対わかる(見逃さないよ) You won't miss it.